Regional Leadership Institute for School Districts
Southern California
As part of the California Schoolyard Forest System®, the Regional Leadership Institute is designed to support administrative teams from school districts to become champions of vibrant, high-quality outdoor environments that protect PreK-12 students from extreme heat. The program will provide participants with the tools, dedicated time, networks, technical support, and resources needed to successfully design, implement, maintain, and use schoolyard forests at scale, with a focus on equity and sustainability.
Program Components
COHORT WORKSHOPS: The program centers around a series of four day-long professional development workshops. Participants will learn about best practices for schoolyard forest design, implementation, maintenance, and use and will build an understanding of the key components of a robust schoolyard forest system. Each session will include work time for teams to craft a shared vision and strategy for schoolyard forests in their district.
DISTRICT ACTION PLANS: Each team will develop an action plan to strategically shift district policies, systems, and practices to support the long-term success of schoolyard forests across their districts. Our flexible framework will meet districts where they are, identify and prioritize areas for change, and provide a roadmap that districts can follow beyond the timeframe of the program.
SCHOOLYARD TOURS: Two optional day-long tours will provide inspiration, a chance to learn about real examples of successes and challenges, and an opportunity to share promising practices for scaling schoolyard forests districtwide.
TAILORED SUPPORT: Green Schoolyards America staff will meet with each school district team on a regular basis to help districts develop their action plans and deepen their engagement with schoolyard forest and green schoolyard ideas, methods, and strategies.
REGIONAL NETWORK: This program will include school districts from across Southern California with a wide range of experiences and contexts. Teams will be encouraged to explore this diversity, get to know their colleagues, and learn from one another. In addition, Green Schoolyards America will bring in and help to connect districts with local experts who can continue to support their efforts beyond the Institute.
Dates and Locations
The next Leadership Academy will begin in Fall 2025 and run through Spring 2026. Exact dates will be determined once the cohort is selected. In-person events will be hosted at Cal Poly Pomona, College of Environmental Design.
We are looking for school district teams that:
can commit for a period of one school year—and are also willing to advance the work long-term;
ideally include three to four senior district staff members with decision-making authority from the superintendent’s office, facilities, health, and instruction/curriculum departments;
have a desire to bring schoolyard forests to their district and implement greening at scale;
are interested in children’s health and wellbeing, improving academic outcomes, and protecting their community from climate change; and
are willing to commit staff time across departments, including between events, to advance the work.
Participation Stipend
Green Schoolyards America hopes to be able to provide funding for selected participating districts to cover certain costs needed to allow district staff to fully participate in the Institute. The funding will be disbursed in two installments tied to certain milestones of participation.
Enrollment Process and Timeline
Districts that are interested should fill out the interest form linked below. Our staff will then contact you for an initial conversation to discuss the district’s readiness and fit for the program. Districts that are invited to enroll in the program will be asked to sign a participation agreement to confirm the district’s commitment to the work.
For More information
For more information, contact Mikaela Randolph, Associate Director of Regional Programs at mikaela [at] greenschoolyards [dot] org and download our program flier, here.
For more background information on schoolyard forests and how this program fits within the California Schoolyard Forest System®, click here.
Program Partners and Sponsors
This institute is hosted by Green Schoolyards America, as part of The California Schoolyard Forest System® (CA SFS). The CA SFS was founded by Green Schoolyards America in collaboration with the California Department of Education, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), and Ten Strands. Funding for the initiative was provided by a grant administered by CAL FIRE’s Urban and Community Forestry Program and private philanthropy.